Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Choose the alternative that best describes you as a reader:

1. When I have an assignment to read,
a. I am usually enthusiastic about what I will learn.
b. I like to wait to see whether what I have read will be valuable.
c. I am generally apprehensive about reading assignments because I am afraid I won't understand them.

2. What is my attitude toward the authors of my course materials?
a. I think of them as human beings with an interesting story to tell.
b. I have not really given the writers much thought.
c. I think of them as people who will probably talk over my head.

3. When I plan my reading,
a. I think about how the assignment fits in with the objectives of the course.
b. I review the prior assignment to set the stage for current work.
c. I plunge in so that I can get it done quickly.

4. I take breaks
a. to consolidate the information I read.
b. to help me study longer and more productively.
c. whenever I lose interest in my reading.

5. When I don't know a word,
a. I look it up, write it down, and practise it.
b. I try to figure it out from the context of the sentence.
c. I usually skip over it and hope it won't make too much difference in the meaning.

6. When I can't understand a sentence,
a. I reread the sentence more carefully.
b. I try to figure out the sentence from the context of the paragraph.
c. I skip the sentence, hoping it will make sense later.

7. When the whole assignment confuses me,
a. I try to find more materials that will shed some light on my confusion.
b. I ask the tutor or someone else for ideas about how to cope with the assignment.
c. I tend to give up on it.

8. When I read,
a. I try to read as fast as I can while still understanding the meaning.
b. I try to sweep as many words as I can at a glance.
c. I take it one word at a time - speed doesn't matter to me.

Alternatives 'a' & 'b' of each question indicate successful reading habits. Revisit any 'c' alternatives that you marked. Think of possible causes of these less successful patterns. Look up your course materials to improve your understanding on reading.

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